Quotes4u is a comprehensive downloader for historical, end-of-day and intraday snapshot quotes. Quotes4u directly passes the quotes into your TA-software. Quotes4u allows you to download quotes from over 50 international exchanges. This breadth of financial data was heretofore either unavailable to the individual investor, or required a serious monthly financial commitment to secure.
With Quotes4u, you can download an unlimited amount of quotes. All downloads can be scheduled. In one click Quotes4u downloads, converts and passes the quotes into your Technical analysis software at high speed.
Quotes4u writes the quotes automatically and directly to your TA-software without using other data converters. It produces data output in Parity Plus, MetaStock, .PRN, ASCII and Excel format. This makes Quotes4u compatible with most TA-software such as Parity Plus, AmiBroker, MetaStock, TradeStation, Advanced GET, Supercharts, StockGuru, Elliot Wave, OmniTrader, Hermes(.prn - ascii), Wall$treet, Homebroker, Excel, etc.
Thanks to a user friendly interface, Quotes4u is easy to use for both experienced and novice traders.
Main Features:
- No hidden charges
- Free historical, intraday and end-of-day quotes
- Free unlimited downloads for over 100,000 symbols
- Free access to international exchanges
- Free Stocks, Currencies and Commodities from over 50 Exchanges (Check the list of the countries on the left)
- One year technical support
- One year updates
- User-defined interval for intraday snapshot quotes.
- Downloading can be scheduled.
- Download up to 6,000 symbols per minute
- Flexible and highly configurable ASCII-format and .PRN-format.
- Compatible with most Technical analysis software such as Parity Plus, AmiBroker, MetaStock, TradeStation, Super Chart, Advanced GET, StockGuru, Elliot Wave, OmniTrader, Hermes(.prn - ascii), Wall$treet, Homebroker, Excel, etc.
- Easy to use and user-friendly Windows interface.
- Automatic update and maintenance of your database.
- Automatic detection of any change of symbol or name while downloading.
- Download, convert and pass the quotes into your Technical Analysis software with just a click.
- Displays full names, thus no more unrecognizable symbols or codes.
- User-configurable download lists for markets and symbols you want to follow.
- You can create up to 16 download lists with all your favorite securities.
- Add, edit and remove symbols or groups of symbols easily.
- Automatically connecting, downloading and disconnecting for analogue modem users.
- Data support for stocks, mutual funds, corporate bonds, indices, warrants, etc.
- Unlimited, extendable database
- End-of-day quotes available only 30 minutes after market closing.
- No need to use any other data converters, your data goes directly into your technical analysis software.